Japanese Spicebush Lindera obtusiloba

Detailed Listing For
Botanical Name:

Lindera obtusiloba







Common Name:

Japanese Spicebush

10-20 feet
Minimum Hardiness Zone:

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  • Lindera obtusiloba

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Growing Info, follow in order:
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 12 hours.
Stratification: cold stratify for 90 days.
Germination: sow seed 1/16" deep, tamp the soil, lightly mulch the seed bed.
In a Nutshell:
* Lindera obtusiloba is a species of flowering plant in the Lauraceae family, native to China, Korea and Japan. It is a spreading deciduous shrub or small tree growing to 6 m (20 ft) tall and wide, with glossy aromatic leaves and deep yellow flowers which appear in spring before the leaves. Juvenile leaves are lobed (as the name suggests) and are deep purple. The leaves often turn yellow in autumn. more...
* Aromatic deciduous shrub or tree, lvs. broad-ovate, to 5 in. long,usually 3 lobed, flrs. yellow, opening before the leaves, fr. red, globose, about 5/16 in. diam.
* An oil obtained from the plant is used as a hair oil. more...
Lindera obtusiloba is a species of flowering plant in the Lauraceae family. Juvenile leaves are lobed (as the name suggests) and are deep purple, turning yellow in autumn.
Physical Characteristics  Lindera obtusiloba is a deciduous Shrub growing to 6 m (19ft) by 6 m (19ft). It is hardy to zone 6. It is in flower from Mar to April. The flowers are dioecious (individual flowers are either male or female, but only one sex is to be found on any one plant so both male and female plants must be grown if seed is required)The plant is not self-fertile. The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils.The plant prefers acid and neutral soils. and can grow in very acid soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland).It requires moist soil.
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