Common Moonseed, Yellow Parilla, Moonseed Menispermum canadense - Menispermum mexicanum

Detailed Listing For
Botanical Name:

Menispermum canadense







Common Name:

Common Moonseed, Yellow Parilla, Moonseed

10 ft
Minimum Hardiness Zone:

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  • Menispermum canadense

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Growing Info, follow in order:
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours.
Stratification: cold stratify for 60 days.
Germination: sow seed 1/8" inch deep, tamp the soil, keep moist, mulch the seed bed, remove mulch upon germination, requires light for germination.
In a Nutshell:
* Menispermum canadense ( Canadian Moonseed , Common Moonseed , or Yellow Parilla ) is a flowering plant in the family Menispermaceae , native to eastern North America , from southern Canada south to northern Florida , and from the Atlantic coast west to South Dakota and Texas . It occurs in thickets, moist woods, and the banks of streams. more...
* A vigorous and fast-growing climbing plant that twines around supports, it also spreads freely by underground suckers. more...
* A climbing vine with small, greenish-white flowers in small loose clusters in axils of large leaves; each leafstalk attached just inside leaf’s edge.
* The poisonous fruit of this plant ripens in September and resembles whitish-powdered grapes. The fruit is highly toxic, may be fatal if eaten. more...