Princesstree, Empress Tree Paulownia tomentosa

Detailed Listing For
Botanical Name:

Paulownia tomentosa







Common Name:

Princesstree, Empress Tree

Seeds Per Pound:
3.13 lb
Average Viable Seeds/Packet:
Germination Test Type:
50 feet
Collection Locale:
Crop Year:
Minimum Hardiness Zone:


In Stock: 3.13 lb
Items are priced on a curve, you can buy any 'bulk quantity' up to what we have in stock, some examples are:
1 packet (~ 98 seeds)
10 gram (~ 50045 seeds)
1 oz (~ 141875 seeds)
4 oz (~ 567500 seeds)
8 oz (~ 1135000 seeds)
1 lb (~ 2270000 seeds)
1 kg (~ 5004493 seeds)
Growing Info, follow in order:
Scarification: none required.
Stratification: none required.
Germination: requires light for germination, surface sow and keep moist, tamp the soil, cover seedbed with some shade.
In a Nutshell:
* Paulownia tomentosa (also known as the Empress Tree, Princess Tree or Foxglove Tree; pao tong ?? in Chinese; kiri ? in Japanese) is a deciduous tree in the genus Paulownia, native to central and western China, but invasive in the US. It grows to 10–25 m tall, with large heart-shaped to five-lobed leaves 15–40 cm across, arranged in opposite pairs on the stem. On young growth, the leaves may be in whorls of three and be much bigger than the leaves on more mature growth.
* Can grow 10' in a year, brittle wood, flowers pale violet with dark spots and yellow stripes inside, very much resemble foxgloves, flower buds often killed during winter in cold areas, prefers deep moist soil but tolerates many sorts, full sun or part shade, protect from wind, has naturalized throughout much of the East.
* The leaves can be mistaken for those of the catalpa. more...
* The wood is not attacked by insects. Used for making boxes, clogs, furniture, musical instruments etc. Good for posts and beams in construction. A source of charcoal. more...
* This can survive down to Zone 5 (may not flower), but thrives most favorably in Zones 7-10.
[ edit ] Description Flowers and young leaves Twig with old seed pods The flowers are produced before the leaves in early spring, on panicles 10–30 cm long, with a tubular purple corolla 4–6 cm long resembling a foxglove flower. The fruit is a dry egg-shaped capsule 3–4 cm long, containing numerous tiny seeds . The seeds are winged and disperse by wind and water. Pollarded trees do not produce flowers, as these only form on mature wood. Paulownia tomentosa can survive wildfire because the roots can regenerate new, very fast-growing stems. It is tolerant of pollution and it is not fussy about soil type. For this reason it functions ecologically as a pioneer plant. Its nitrogen-rich leaves provide good fodder and its roots prevent soil erosion. Eventually, Paulownia is succeeded by taller trees that shade it. It cannot thrive in the shade of other trees.
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Physical Characteristics  Paulownia tomentosa is a deciduous Tree growing to 15 m (49ft) by 10 m (32ft) at a fast rate. It is hardy to zone 5 and is not frost tender. It is in flower in May, and the seeds ripen from Sep to October. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs)The plant is self-fertile. The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and requires well-drained soil.The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils..It cannot grow in the shade.It requires moist soil.It can tolerate atmospheric pollution.
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