Shingle Oak Quercus imbricaria

Detailed Listing For
Botanical Name:

Quercus imbricaria







Common Name:

Shingle Oak

60 feet
Minimum Hardiness Zone:
Recalcitrant seeds need refrigeration. Since shipping times are out of our control, we are not liable for seed condition upon arrival.

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  • Quercus imbricaria

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Growing Info, follow in order:
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours.
Stratification: cold stratify for 60 days , or until radicle emergence.
Germination: sow 1" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed.
Other: fall sowing in mulched beds is prefered to artificial stratification.
In a Nutshell:
* A tree usually fifty to sixty feet high, maximum height one hundred, with broad pyramidal head when young, becoming in old age broad-topped and open. Rare in the east, abundant in the lower Ohio valley and middle of Mississippi valley. Reaches its largest size in southern Illinois and Indiana. more...
* Wood was once used by early settlers in the midwest for shingles, hence the common name. Specific epithet comes from Latin and means to place in an overlapping order, as with tile or shingles.
* Acorns are an important source of food for wildlife. more...
* An ornamental and shade tree, it is also suitable for hedges, screens, and windbreaks. more...
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