The Best of Edible Fruits and Berries Seed

Plant Fruit Trees in your yard for beauty, color, edible, nutritious fruit, shade; creating a special ecosystem for people and wildlife. Flowering trees in the spring add color and texture to your neighborhood with brilliant golds to red fall foliage. Berries like strawberries are a prize in the summer and are perfect in a raised bed or a terraced wall .

Consider your winter conditions when planting fruit trees as this will determine the species you choose. 

Sargents Apple Tree Seed
Malus sargentii: This crab apple tree is ideal for residential landscapes. 
Highbush Blueberries Grow from Seed

Vaccinium corymbosum, full of antioxidants, blueberries are a popular garden bush planting from seed with little preparation.
Antonovka Apple Tree Seed
Malus pumila Antonovka :  An apple with a strong flavor, fruit matures in late fall and is cold hardy rootstock for grafting. 
Blackberry Fruit Seed
Rubus alleghaniensis: Popular for their sweet, dark purple fruit are easy to grow from ripe berry seed. Blackberries, can produce fruit for many years. 
Black Chokeberry Fruit Seed
Aronia melanocarpa: This deciduous shrub makes a good groundcover, the vines  grow extensively to larger plants with beautiful wind red fall color. 
Sweet Cherry Flowering Tree
Prunus avium Alkavo-Cerasus Avium Alkavo: The fruit is eaten by many birds and mammals who disperse the seed in their droppings. The fragrant white flowers appear in the spring on this medium sized urban friendly tree. 
Chinese Date Fruit Tree Seed

Chinese Mulberry Fruit Tree
Cudrania tricuspidata: Specimen tree with a broad shaped, small tree with small thorn
Siberian Crab Apple Fruit Tree
Malus baccata: One of the hardiest of the apples with an abundance of white blooms and upright branches. 
Black Elderberry Fruit Tree
Sambucus nigra:  A shrub with very strongly scented yellow-white flowers in June followed by small black fruits. 
Goji Berry Perennial Plant

Lycium chinense: Goji plants are highly disease resistant, juicy and sweet when eaten fresh, or can be dried or frozen.

Big Huckleberry Fruit Tree
Vaccinium membranaceum: This shrub produces an abundance of fruit, a great commercial value. 
Loquat Fruit Tree Seed

Eriobotrya japonica: The fruits are the sweetest when mature soft and 

orange in color. 

Paw Paw Fruit Tree Seed
Asimina triloba Select Seed: A delicate fruit highly sought after.
Lovell Peach Tree Seed
Prunus persica Lovell: A deciduous tree with beautiful white spring flowers.
Pomegranate Fruit Tree Seed
Punica granatum: Drought tolerant flowering fruit tree makes a wonderful Bonsai too. 
Raspberry Fruit Seed
Rubus idaeus: Delicious red raspberries , grow your own from seed. 
Plum Fruit Tree
Prunus americana:  This species is popular for ornamental and culinary purposes.
Strawberry Fruit Seed
Fragaria vesca:  These flavorful fruit is grown for domestic use.
Sweet Cherry Fruit Seed
Prunus avium Alkavo: Often used as a street tree this cherry variety produces lots of fruit. 
Passion Fruit Tree
Passifora edulis: Tropical flowering vine, this fruit can be eaten and used in juice.