Sheffields Seed Company


Seed Supplier Resource Page 

Seeds We're Looking For....

In general, we are always welcome to receive new sources for all of our seed varieties, so please feel free to browse the site and contact us with whatever you may have access to in your area! 


Besides what we currently have in stock or on order, there are a lot of items that we would like to carry (more of, again) but for any number of reasons have difficulty finding.


The following seed varieties we are currently very eager to source, so if you have a possibility to supply these, please reach out to us!


Botanical Name

Common Name

All Quercus varieties Oak
All Acer varieties, especially Japanese Japanese Maples
Celtis occidentalis Hackberry, Sugarberry
Pyrus communis Bartlett  Williams Pear
Cornus kousa kousa Kousa Dogwood
CORNUS florida 'Rubra' Pink Flowering Dogwood
LARIX lyallii  Alpine Larch
Sambucus canadensis Elderberry
Tilia americana Basswood
Syringa reticulata Japanese Tree Lilac
Nyssa sylvatica Black Gum, Glack Tupelo
Liquidambar styraciflua Northern Northern Sweetgum 
Ostrya virginiana Hornbeam
Cornus canadensis  Creeping Dogwood
Hamamelis virginiana Witch hazel
Cercis canadensis Northern Northern Redbud
Datura stramonium Jimson Weed, Thorn Apple




We're always looking for quality seeds - can you help us find them?

Tree and shrubs cover a vast amount of our planet, but it is incredibly challenging to access unique varieties from where we individually live. Therefore, we are an internationally-based business and do our best to source from the best areas in the world for any given species.

For that, we need stable, high-quality and reliable partners in our seed suppliers. These range from nurseries and reforestation companies to families or even individuals who have a passion for seed collection.


We are proud to have many suppliers with whom we have been working together for many years, some relationships spanning decades. 


But we are always looking for new sources of seed, not only to diversify our selection for our customers, but also to give people who collect seeds a chance to share in this gratifying work. Also, tree and shrub propogation in nature is becoming more difficult over the years, so the more sources we have of a particular variety, the better we can possibly restock dwindling supply.



Want to supply to us?

Interested in working with us as a supplier? 


What kind of seeds? And where can I get them?

Whether it's one beautiful tree in your own yard or a park flooded with acorns, anything in a clean area could be a wonderful source of tree and shrub seeds!


If you're starting from scratch, a quick online search of your zip code will give you the USDA Hardiness Zone to which your region applies. This identifies which vegetation thrives in that area.


On our website under Advanced Search, you can select your Hardiness Zone and see our catalogue of seeds which we have previously sourced from that Hardiness Zone. This doesn't mean that you are restricted to supply only these, but it will give you an idea of what is in your area and somewhere to start! 


Already have collection areas and would like to sell to us?

At the beginning, we work on a trial order basis. Supplied seed should be sent already cleaned, unless otherwise specified by us on a specific order. Once we establish the quality of the seed and have aligned on pricing and logistics arrangements, we can work on a consistant basis throughout the year, our needs and your harvest allowing


Please send us your possible seed varieties in excel or pdf.

We also have a simple stock list excel form available; please let us know you would like a copy emailed to you.



For this and any supplier-related questions, please reach out to us at:



Some Advice for our Existing Suppliers

When shipping to us (within the US), please be aware of sending your seeds outside of weekends or holidays if at all possible. 
Recalcitrant seeds (such as Aesculus, Castanea, and Quercus) shouldn't be outside of cooling for too long, so it's best if they're received quickly with us and not unnecessarily sitting at a sorting facility. 


When shipping to us Internationally, please reach out to us for a helpful shipping instructions Document. 



Please send your billing information and/or financial questions to:



Thank you and please reach out with any varieties you think we may be interested in!



Contact us

General Supplier Inquiries:


Supplier Invoices: