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My Seeds have been Sitting Around for A While Are they Still Good?

Maintaining Seed Viability

Non-viable seeds are often the cause of failure during sowing. There are many causes of poor viability.

At Sheffield's, we test all listed seeds to determine a level of viability
There are two very simple tests that work quite well to quickly check quality.
1. The Float test

Many times viable seeds can be separated from non-viable seed by floating in water. 

2. The Cut test

Simply a test where you cut open the seed to inspect the embyro. This test gives you a good idea if the seed is viable, but is not 100% accurate.


3. Actual Germ test

This is just a test where you grow the seed and determine how many germinated and how many did not. This is the most accurate, but takes the longest


4. Tetrazolium Chloride (TZ) test

This is a test where a clear TZ solution is used to soak the seed. The viable seeds have the enzymes capable of turning that solution red. 

Most seeds keep better at cold temperatures. Please Refrigerate any seeds if intending to store for long periods