Best Sellers Botanical Name: Calycanthus floridus Botanical Name: Catalpa speciosa Botanical Name: Cercis canadensis Northern Zone 5 Botanical Name: Cladrastis kentukea Botanical Name: Coffea arabica Botanical Name: Cornus sericea Botanical Name: Eucalyptus deglupta Botanical Name: Nyssa sylvatica Southern Botanical Name: Passiflora caerulea Botanical Name: Pinus eldarica Botanical Name: Pinus parviflora Botanical Name: Pinus strobus New York Botanical Name: Prunus avium 'CVI' Botanical Name: Prunus avium Alkavo Botanical Name: Sequoiadendron giganteum Botanical Name: Tilia cordata Botanical Name: Trifolium repens Botanical Name: Vitis vinifera « back How long does it take to grow a tree from seed?This can be a lot faster than you might think. Every species that we sell is different but with many you can have a respectable landscape tree in less than 10 years. The warmer your climate the faster that you will have a large tree. Here are a few examples of average rates of growth. If you are in zone 6 it will take about this long to get a 6 foot tall tree from seed.