Mockernut Hickory, Mockernut, White Hickory, Whiteheart Hickory, Hognut, Bullnut Carya tomentosa - Carya alba

Detailed Listing For
Botanical Name:

Carya tomentosa







Common Name:

Mockernut Hickory, Mockernut, White Hickory, Whiteheart Hickory, Hognut, Bullnut

110 feet
Minimum Hardiness Zone:

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  • Carya tomentosa

Please select the quantity desired, and we will advise availability and price as soon as possible.
Growing Info, follow in order:
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours, repeat process daily for 4 days.
Stratification: cold stratify for 150 days.
Germination: sow 1-2" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed.
Other: can be fall sown without stratification.
In a Nutshell:
* Carya tomentosa , ( Mockernut hickory , mockernut , white hickory , whiteheart hickory , hognut , bullnut ) is a tree in the Juglandaceae or Walnut family.
* It is the most abundant of the hickories.
* It is long lived, sometimes reaching the age of 500 years.
* A high percentage of the wood is used for products where strength, hardness, and flexibility are needed. It makes an excellent fuelwood, too. more...
* Native region from Massachusetts south to Florida and Texas, nearly round nuts, scaly dark gray bark, of open habit, hard shelled, edible nuts.

Conservation Plant Characteristics

Carya alba (L.) Nutt.
mockernut hickory

Duration Perennial
Growth Habit Tree
Native Status L48 (N)
Federal T/E Status
National Wetland Indicator
Active Growth Period Spring and Summer
After Harvest Regrowth Rate
Bloat None
C:N Ratio High
Coppice Potential Yes
Fall Conspicuous Yes
Fire Resistant No
Flower Color Yellow
Flower Conspicuous No
Foliage Color Green
Foliage Porosity Summer Dense
Foliage Porosity Winter Porous
Foliage Texture Coarse
Fruit/Seed Color Brown
Fruit/Seed Conspicuous Yes
Growth Form Single Stem
Growth Rate Slow
Height at 20 Years, Maximum (feet) 18
Height, Mature (feet) 85.0
Known Allelopath No
Leaf Retention No
Lifespan Moderate
Low Growing Grass No
Nitrogen Fixation None
Resprout Ability Yes
Shape and Orientation Erect
Toxicity None
Growth Requirements
Adapted to Coarse Textured Soils Yes
Adapted to Fine Textured Soils Yes
Adapted to Medium Textured Soils Yes
Anaerobic Tolerance None
CaCO3 Tolerance High
Cold Stratification Required No
Drought Tolerance Medium
Fertility Requirement Medium
Fire Tolerance Medium
Frost Free Days, Minimum 160
Hedge Tolerance None
Moisture Use Medium
pH, Minimum 4.7
pH, Maximum 6.9
Planting Density per Acre, Minimum 170
Planting Density per Acre, Maximum 700
Precipitation, Minimum 32
Precipitation, Maximum 80
Root Depth, Minimum (inches) 50
Salinity Tolerance None
Shade Tolerance Intermediate
Temperature, Minimum (°F) -33
Bloom Period Mid Spring
Commercial Availability Field Collections Only
Fruit/Seed Abundance Medium
Fruit/Seed Period Begin Summer
Fruit/Seed Period End Fall
Fruit/Seed Persistence No
Propagated by Bare Root Yes
Propagated by Bulb No
Propagated by Container Yes
Propagated by Corm No
Propagated by Cuttings No
Propagated by Seed Yes
Propagated by Sod No
Propagated by Sprigs No
Propagated by Tubers No
Seed per Pound 73
Seed Spread Rate Slow
Seedling Vigor Low
Small Grain No
Vegetative Spread Rate None
Berry/Nut/Seed Product No
Christmas Tree Product No
Fodder Product No
Fuelwood Product High
Lumber Product Yes
Naval Store Product Yes
Nursery Stock Product No
Palatable Browse Animal Low
Palatable Graze Animal Low
Palatable Human Yes
Post Product No
Protein Potential Low
Pulpwood Product Yes
Veneer Product Yes
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