Moutan Peony, Moutan, Tree Peony Paeonia suffruticosa

Detailed Listing For
Botanical Name:

Paeonia suffruticosa







Common Name:

Moutan Peony, Moutan, Tree Peony

Seeds Per Pound:
22.8 lb
Germination Test Type:
Cut (Full Seed)
3-6 feet
Collection Locale:
Crop Year:
Minimum Hardiness Zone:

Looking for more sources! If you can supply this seed, please get in touch with us!

In Stock: 22.8 lb
  • Paeonia suffruticosa

Items are priced on a curve, you can buy any 'bulk quantity' up to what we have in stock, some examples are:
1 packet (~ 0 seeds)
1 oz (~ 99 seeds)
1 lb (~ 1576 seeds)
1 kg (~ 3474 seeds)
Growing Info, follow in order:
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours.
Stratification: warm stratify for 90 days, cold stratify for 90 days.
Germination: sow seed 3/8" deep, tamp the soil, mulch the seed bed.
In a Nutshell:
* Paeonia suffruticosa , the tree peony , is a species of peony native to China . It is an important symbol in Chinese culture. It was first described by Henry Charles Andrews . more...
* Dramatic purplish, rose pink, or white flowers with a magenta blotch at the base of each petal, to 6" or more, likes limestone, a warm position, rich soil, a deciduous shrub, parent of many cultivars, stems usually few and rather coarse once leaves fall, native to northwestern China, where it grows in mountain scrub.
* The flowers can be eaten cooked. The fallen flower petals are parboiled and sweetened for a teatime delicacy, or cooked in various dishes. more...
Paeonia suffruticosa , the tree peony , is a species of peony native to China . It is known as 牡丹 "mǔdān" in Chinese and is an important symbol in Chinese culture. It was first described by Henry Charles Andrews . [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
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Physical Characteristics  Paeonia suffruticosa is a deciduous Shrub growing to 2 m (6ft) by 3 m (9ft). It is hardy to zone 7 and is not frost tender. It is in flower in May. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects.The plant is self-fertile. The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and can grow in heavy clay soil.The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. and can grow in very alkaline soils. It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade.It requires moist soil.
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