Best Sellers Opium Poppy Papaver somniferum Detailed Listing For Botanical Name: Papaver somniferum Seeds Per Pound: 1,250,000 Germination Test Type: estimate Collection Locale: Netherlands Minimum Hardiness Zone: 6 Harvest hemisphere: Northern Seeds are a mix of colors that can range from white, pink, red, purple to blue. In Stock: 19.26 lb Prices Items are priced on a curve, you can buy any 'bulk quantity' up to what we have in stock, some examples are: 1 packet (~ 0 seeds) $4.95 1 oz (~ 78125 seeds) $25.00 1 lb (~ 1250000 seeds) $79.50 1 kg (~ 2755778 seeds) $163.59 | | Growing Info, follow in order: Scarification: none required. Stratification: none required. Germination: surface sow and keep moist, tamp the soil, requires light for germination. | In a Nutshell: * Opium poppy , Papaver somniferum , is the species of plant from which opium and poppy seeds are extracted. Opium is the source of many opiates , including morphine , thebaine , codeine , papaverine , and noscapine . The Latin botanical name means, loosely, the "sleep-bringing poppy", referring to the sedative properties of some of these opiates. * An annual poppy with lovely shiny gray-blue foliage and white, pink, red, or purple flowers, often double, easy to grow, may self-seed prolifically, numerous color forms and cultivars exist, native to southeast Europe and western Asia. This plant is illegal to grow in the US because it is the source for the drug opium. * Highly nutritious, the seed contains about 22.7% protein, 48% fat, 9.8% carbohydrate, 7.1% ash. It is also a good source of lecithin. The seeds are rather small, but there are large numbers of them contained in capsules 3cm or more in diameter and so they are easy to harvest and utilize. The seeds are perfectly safe to eat, containing very little if any of the narcotic principles. However, although the seeds contain no narcotic alkaloids, analysis of the urine following their ingestion may produce similar results to the analysis of the urine of morphine or heroin addicts. * This anual plant flowers in July and August. * Widely grown in tropical areas * Widely grown as an ornamental flower for its beauty. more... | Opium poppy , Papaver somniferum , is the species of plant from which opium and poppy seeds are extracted. Opium is the source of many opiates , including morphine (and its derivative heroin), thebaine , codeine , papaverine , and noscapine . The Latin botanical name means the "sleep-bringing poppy", referring to the sedative properties of some of these opiates. more » Physical Characteristics  Papaver somniferum is a ANNUAL growing to 0.6 m (2ft) by 0.2 m (0ft 8in). It is hardy to zone 7 and is not frost tender. It is in flower from Jul to August. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Bees, self.The plant is self-fertile. The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and requires well-drained soil.The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils..It cannot grow in the shade.It requires moist soil. more » Medicinal Comments: Opium is used medicinally in the relief of pain. Its' source of active alkaloids with narcotic effects can be addictive and should be used only under the advice of a professional. The plant has edible leaves, oil, and seed. The seed is used raw and cooked with a nutty flavor in baking and is highly nutritious, a good source of lecithin. The responsibility for using plants medicinally is yours. We cannot assume any liability for any detrimental influences. more » | |