Frangipani, Mexican Plumeria Plumeria rubra

Detailed Listing For
Botanical Name:

Plumeria rubra







Common Name:

Frangipani, Mexican Plumeria

5-25 ft
Minimum Hardiness Zone:
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  • Plumeria rubra

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Growing Info, follow in order:
Scarification: Soak in water, let stand in water for 24 hours.
Stratification: none required.
Germination: sow seed 1/4" deep, tamp the soil, keep warm and moist.
Other: The seed usually germinates in 2 - 4 weeks. Keep seeds and plants always above 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
Description Plumeria rubra grows as a spreading shrub or small tree to a height of 7-8 m (20-25 ft) and similar width. It has a thick succulent trunk and sausage-like blunt branches covered with a thin grey bark. The branches are somewhat brittle and when broken, ooze a white latex, or sap, which can be irritating to the skin and mucous membranes. The large green leaves can reach 30 to 50 cm (12-20 in) long and are arranged alternately and clustered at the end of the branches. They are deciduous, falling in the cooler months of the year. The flowers are terminal, appearing at the ends of branches over the summer. Often profuse and very prominent, they are strongly fragrant, and have five petals. The colours range from the common pink to white with shades of yellow in the centre of the flower. [ 2 ] [ 4 ] Initially tubular before opening out, the flowers are 5-7.5 cm (2-3 in) in diameter, and only rarely go on to produce seed - 20-60 winged seeds are contained in a 17.5 cm (7 in) pod. [ 3 ] Some forms in cultivation are hybrids between this species and Plumeria obtusa ; these have rounded rather than pointed leaves and are less likely to be deciduous. [ 3 ] The white and yellow cultivar "Singapore" flowers all year round in Hawaii. [ 5 ]
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